
The Lion King

not a problem if you have a scale however. It's a keeper.




Beautiful flower

Still remember the dreams when you were young? Ear single loop is the song [love]. In Youth passes as a fleeting wave. there, subdued the compliments in plain. The blood and passion for love, only passionate young? Time is like a window, the wind from the time, hole in mind, always rolled up sand, eyes, hazy past.

Let the past go, heart no longer care. Looking back at the picturesque, memory. Once our rivers and lakes, green water Shiba, poem and wine company, free life, is like that Xiaoxiao sasa. Miss, is held in the palm of desolation gucci handbags sale. No Enron to warm thoughts, it can not be expelled.

That loneliness, to keep busy. Perhaps they are just in the worldly, hesitated before the fireworks woman. Want to clear, just a dream. Pray for years is static good, everything is old appearance. The wind is still elegant, heart, beautiful like flower.

Grief at separation and joy in Union, the pain and struggle one one taste, whether such a price for the fulfillment of life?

Shengge dissipated people without a trace, the dream is gone with the wind. Through mountains, first Jing is no longer the heart of Zhu Shazhi. Say red sandalwood were destroyed, I also did not go, but is the horizon that, in my heart lake yunyan. One day, not as I wander.

Hand, can't catch fewer of the verdant. Understand those fireworks mood already bleak into war, could not lift very touching chapter Neogen Derma. Memory is a wave, the total in the parting of the terminal shoot sound. Now we can't see each other's old. Shaohua overturning, only retained in one night, in return for the lips of a wry smile.

Too difficult to go back, the word forever, from that the export of instant, has anticipated the dream. Heart, still wandering. Expected the other side, always partly hidden and partly visible, like the flower in water, the mirror month, mirage like illusion.

If there is a next life, forever no longer. Do a stone pier side, there is no longer a vertically and horizontally hobbling, daily sunshine. Those who welcome visitors and see them off when you leave the world, could not lift my heart melancholy vacuum bag.

The month

Please hold the hand the jade plate, because it is packed with life.

The future is boundless, only looks at the bright moon in the sky, the moon red yet profound, look, more over, let a person be solution. The shadow woman your, it seemed to reflect a landscape, a film, a pair of life tube amp.

Moonlight as water, wind moon, without any distractions, no fear, no more a worry, only know their own world, this is the childhood -- a moon. Bright moon but strange, a look at the sky, I saw stars, because no one can understand a child HKUE ENG, even he himself did not understand oneself. Oh, the most perfect month ah!

Sometimes seek pleasure, the morning breeze and the lingering moon; but sometimes swiftly, the full moon as plate; both general, happy, this is the youth. If you correct self, will be Yuemanxilou, prospect is infinite; but if you wrong yourself Domestic Helpe, will lose when the moon, bright life. Youth is a choice, a tough challenge. Hazy or clear; both or all happy, throw in the choice, the challenge. Who also don't want to be a block is the shiny pebbles, thrown in the horizon; who also hope to become a shining light of jade, hanging in the sky. Ah, the most profound month!

The bright moon in the sky, mapping Chiri, empty cloud whether can stop infinite brilliance, moon moon, will be a year of storage, release all, show infinite yingzi own. Young people also is so, release all the essence of God, to the nines to fight a "war", the happiness of her life. Yo, the bright moon!

The moon will shine no more, neither fast nor slow combing the white moonlight, one not careful, moon, disappeared in front of us. This is not like the old people in general, not nostalgia, quietly without interest to leave this world. We have the most carefree months aria!

Man's life is not the month, Dongsheng West down, do not take away a cloud, but it's passionate ups and downs, had to let people remember it.

Perfect conjugal bliss, this is the life. Apricot yellow moon, suddenly jump, from the mountains to the sky, the moonlight clear to every one who looked at it. This golden month, fresh and elegant, the shadow woman your, like a giant wall, artless and embedded in the deep sky, abnormal beautiful. Second, many flowers, are talking about the beauty of the month. Oh, what a wonderful, intoxicated.

The moonlight is struggling, the lowest this how often is not life. Pedestrians hurry past, do not have to pay attention to it, because it is too dark. Oracle is how sad, pity ah!

Ingeniously wrought, this is life. If someone appreciates you, he will be noticed by your beauty, your talent; and if the don't care about you, won't you praise, praise you give you. What a dull, somebody loves you, also some people didn't love you.

The moon is the life portrayal, it wanes, clear and hazy, but all is in your hands.

I sat in the window, because Wu to get this truth and tread. Look at the sky, has gone down, the bright moonlight, poured down from the air, on the ground of the pure, the scenery around also unconsciously become clear. I was surprised to find that today's moon is so white, so bright.

Please put your hands holding the fate of the good, to make it perfect conjugal bliss is not scattered, happiness in your life!

Conductor’s new mobile app helps businesses understand what customers are searching for

Conductor is launching a new mobile app that co-founder and CEO Seth Besmertnik described as a way to get quick access to “the voice of the customer.”
The New York-based company started with a focus on search engine optimization before broadening to offer a broader range of marketing tools. Now, Besmertnik said, “The core of what we do is understand your customers and understand what people want. If you know what people want, you can use that to create better content, better marketing, better messaging.”
On mobile, that means taking existing Conductor data and making it easy to search and understand. Using the app, you can look up any term that you might want to use as the basis for your marketing — for example, Besmertnik demonstrated the app by searching for “online therapy,” bringing up a list of related terms that customers are searching for.
There are also filters around different stages of the customer journey (so you can see what people are looking for right before they make a purchase decision), and a feed of insights that help a company understand its data.
Besmertnik is hoping that it won’t just be marketers who use the Conductor app. Instead, he said, “Every single person in the company, before you change any content, you just check the voice of your customer in two minutes.”
And small changes can make a big difference. Conductor says that by using its tools, the AAA found that customers were searching for “discounts” instead of “savings,” so it replaced the word “savings” throughout its website and saw a 30 percent increase in traffic.

me with more unanswered questions

It’s unclear whether Ng began his work on Deeplearning.ai while still an employee at Baidu. According to data pulled from the Wayback Machine, the domain was parked at Instra and picked up sometime between 2015 and 2017.
Registering that domain to Baidu accidentally would be an amateur mistake and registering it intentionally just leaves me with more unanswered questions. I’m left wondering about the relationship between Baidu and Deeplearning.ai &mdash English playgroup hong kong_Victoria (Upper Kornhill) Nursery - established playgroup programme in Hong Kong since 2010. English and Chinese speaking playgroup hk staff will interact with students to create a bilingual learning atmosphere.; and its connection to Andrew Ng’s departure. Of course, it’s also possible that there was some sort of error that caused an untimely mistake.
UPDATE: Baidu provided us the following response.
“Baidu has no association with this project but we wish Andrew the best in his work.”
Ng left the company in late March of this year, promising to continue his work of bringing the benefits of AI to everyone. Baidu is known for having unique technical expertise in natural language processing and it’s recently been putting resources into self-driving cars and other specific deep learning applications.It makes sense that Ng would take advantage of his name recognition to raise a large round to maximize his impact on the machine intelligence ecosystem. I can’t see a general name like Deeplearning.ai being used to sell a self-driving car company or a verticalized enterprise tool. It’s more likely that Ng is building an enabling technology that aims to become critical infrastructure to support the adoption of AI technologies.
While this could technically encompass specialized hardware chips for deep learning, I’m more inclined to bet that it is a software solution given Ng’s expertise Server Hosting. Google CEO Sundar Pichai made a splash back at I/O last month when he discussed AutoML — the company’s research work to automate the design process of neural networks. If I was going to come up with a name for a company that would build on, and ultimately commercialize, this technology, it would be Deeplearning.ai.
“This is super speculative, but I think it might be an AI tool to help generate AI training data sets or something else that will accelerate the development of AI models and products,” Malika Cantor, partner at AI investment firm Comet Labs told me. “I’m very excited about having more tools and platforms to support the AI ecosystem.”
Prior to his time at Baidu, Ng was instrumental in building out the Google Brain Team, one of the company’s core AI research groups female short sleeve t-shirt. Ng is a highly respected researcher and evangelist in the AI space with connections spanning industries and geographic borders. If Ng truly believes that AI is the new electricity, he will surely try to position Deeplearning.ai to take advantage of the windfall.
We’ve reached out to both Baidu and Andrew Ng and will update this post if we receive additional information.






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